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Hotels and Destination EV Charging: Increase Revenue and Achieve Sustainability Goals

Last Updated: March 29th, 2024 | Hospitality

The hospitality world has been nothing short of a roller coaster in recent years; staying ahead is not only about offering great services but also about being a part of sustainability trends that attract modern travelers. Resort, destination, and hospitality decision-makers can rest assured that EV charging is not just another item on a growing budget. It is without a doubt an opportunity for new revenue, loyalty integrations, and increased property values. 

So, let’s explore how including EV charging solutions at your resort or vacation destination can take your business to the next level. 

1. Set Your Property Apart with EV Charging

In a sea of hospitality options, setting your property apart as a destination is crucial. Our EV charging experts bring years of experience with them to the table. Thus, they can make sure your EV charging solution is not only easy but also tailored to meet the unique needs of your properties. We can help your resort or hotel be found by sustainability focused travelers who actively seek eco-friendly destinations and options. 

2. Build Brand Loyalty at Your Destination

Choosing a revenue model for your EV charging business ensures both profits and customer satisfaction. In truth, the key lies in building a pricing plan that is fair, competitive, and able to adapt to market changes. From choosing your charging model to flexible pricing software, here are key areas for revenue generation with EV charging business models.

3. Increase Occupancy Rates for Your Resort

EV-driving guests actively seek places to stay that offer charging options. So, by adding EV charging solutions, you tap into a growing market, increasing your destination’s appeal and occupancy rates. In fact, on-site charging choices can be a deciding factor for guests when figuring out where to stay. By offering them, you can make your property their preferred choice.

4. Always Online, No On-Site Management Needed

Worried about the daily reality of managing EV charging stations at your destination resort? Charging software like Noodoe EV OS helps ensure that charging is seamless and hands-off for you. The system is made to be easy, removing the need for on-site support staff. This hassle-free approach allows you to focus on what matters most—giving your guests the very best experiences. 

5. Count On Reliability

Your destination is in the guest business, not the EV charging business. We know reliability is key for anyone in the hospitality industry, and EV chargers play a pivotal role. As a result, Noodoe EV OS comes with an average 99.9% software uptime, giving you peace of mind that your charging stations will be always be available to guests. Reliable chargers create reliable revenue, making them a part of the overall success of your resort. This is hands-off sustainability for you and your hotel.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, destination EV charging solutions are not just about keeping up with the times. In truth, they are about leading the charge in offering sustainable, forward-thinking amenities that can boost revenues. By adding EV charging, your resort can stand out, build brand loyalty, increase occupancy rates, and enjoy hassle-free management, all while contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. 

Ready to explore the fit for your property? Our charging experts can help find incentives to offset costs, advise what will work best for your parking lot/valet operation, and answer your questions.

Take the next step in planning how you will offer EV charging. The “EV Charging Guide” will walk you through:

  • What a typical installation looks like
  • How to charge for charging
  • How integration with loyalty programs works
  • And more…
EV charging guide for destinations, hotels, motels, resorts, and hospitality businesses

Further Reading
