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Sustainable hospitality motel chain with EV charging stations in the parking lot

EV Charging for Sustainable Hospitality: Hotel and Motel Chains

Last Updated: March 29th, 2024 | Hospitality

Do your guests consider EV charging when they travel? They certainly will if they own or want to rent an electric vehicle. While public charging options continue to improve, overnight EV charging solutions are a must for any guests before setting out for a long day of meetings or visiting theme parks. That’s why it’s becoming more important for hotels and motels to make sure they offer EV charging in their parking lots! It’s not just about being a sustainable hospitality hotel or motel chain with EV charging; it’s about making sure your rooms are filled and you’re creating extra revenue.

From sustainable hospitality amenity to guest necessity

“Do you have Wi-Fi?” To the modern hotel, the question has an obvious answer: “Of course we do!” In fact, over the years, Wi-Fi has gone from a hot amenity to a utility required by all holidaymakers. No business traveler is going to book a room in a hotel or motel that cannot meet the minimum requirements for daily work. Internet access may once have been merely a value-added revenue stream, it is now a necessity

The same story is now starting to play out with EV charging. History, as they say, repeats itself. Hotel and motel chains must make sure they have EV charging in their parking lots. And it’s more than just a question of sustainable hospitality. Not having EV charging services is a deal breaker for any traveling in an electric vehicle. So if you’re building new or remodeling or just looking to upgrade your motel, make sure EV charging is part of your checklist. 

Why EV Charging? Why Now?

Not only are there more electric vehicles than ever on the roads, but interest in EVs is at an all-time high. More and more hotel guests are driving up to the front doors in electric vehicles expecting EV charging options. That vehicle might be their own, or it might be one they’ve rented for a few days to try it out. For any driver hoping to test one out for a few days, a quick business trip is the perfect time! That means finding a hotel or motel with EV charging stations available. With a wealth of options available, why would our electrified traveler bother staying at any hospitality location without charging options?

For hospitality management, the real goal is keeping up with and staying ahead of the competition. While some business owners feel that the siren’s song of electrification has drawn us into turbulent seas, that doesn’t have to be the case if you have the right charging solutions and EV charging management software.

Hospitality solutions for EV charging management

Yes, you can install any EV charger and offer guests the ability to power up. But wouldn’t it be nice to also have solutions particularly suited to your needs? How do you charge guests for their EV charging? Can you make sure only the right people have access to your stations? Will you be able to manage your electrical capacity? Charging stations managed by Noodoe EV OS are the answer to all of these questions and more. 

Software solutions for sustainable hospitality

Hospitality EV charging has its own complications, but Noodoe EV OS has answers. That could mean adding access management to the charging stations in your motel parking lot. Any EV driver with your charging code can access EV charging at any of the specified charging stations. And just like internet passwords, access codes can be changed at any time through the Noodoe EV OS cloud-based dashboard. With this access management, you can keep chargers just for guests and charge guests for their EV charging.

Don’t find yourself in the motel parking lot at midnight!

When you install EV charging stations, you want them to be self-managing. Don’t go through a parking lot update or remodel at your motel for something that’s going to take full-time service staff to manage. Noodoe EV OS is a hands-off answer to hospitality ev charging service management. That’s because it’s an automated software solution designed to charge drivers for charging, automate funds transfer, and self-repair if something should go wrong. In fact, it’s so reliable that it has an average 99.9% software uptime, keeping your chargers online producing revenue.

The Bottom Line

For EV-driving patrons wanting a place to spend the night, vehicle charging is quickly evolving from a luxurious amenity to a deciding factor in booking accommodation at hotels and motels. Competitive hospitality chains need to stay ahead of the curve in order to attract and retain valuable guests. Noodoe has clean, conscientious charging solutions specifically designed to support motel management and their guests.

Further Reading

  1. Noodoe EV: Hospitality Charging
