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Noodoe EV Announces EXCEED DC Level 3 Chargers - 20% Faster Recharge Times, Same Price Point

Noodoe EV, a global leader in EV charging technology, has announced the release of its new EXCEED DC Level 3 Chargers, the fastest, highest performing Level 3 chargers in the industry. The announcement was made by Noodoe CEO Jennifer Chang. The new standard in EV fast chargers offers up to 20 percent quicker recharging times over the competition.


oodoe EV, a global leader in EV charging technology, has announced the release of its new EXCEED DC Level 3 Chargers, the fastest, highest performing Level 3 chargers in the industry. The announcement was made by Noodoe CEO Jennifer Chang. The new standard in EV fast chargers offers up to 20 percent quicker recharging times over the competition.

“Through Noodoe technological innovation, our EXCEED DC Level 3 chargers offer 20 percent faster performance at the same price point, an incredible value for the money,” says Chang. “EV drivers can now take advantage of our advanced technology to recharge their vehicles faster than ever.”

The Noodoe EV EXCEED DC product lineup includes:

  • Noodoe EV DC60P Fast Level 3 Charging Station
  • Noodoe EV DC120P Ultrafast Level 3 Charging Station
  • Noodoe EV DC180P Super Ultrafast Level 3 Charging Station

While the level 3 DC fast charging category commonly features defacto standard chargers with 50kW power output, Noodoe EV DC60P offers 60kW power output, a 20% advantage in recharging speed. One tier up, in the level 3 ultrafast DC charging station category, the Noodoe EV DC120P also offers a 20% advantage over key competitors, delivering 120kW of output. The same 20% advantage is seen in the super ultrafast DC charging tier with Noodoe DC180P putting out 180kW of charging power.

“Level 3 DC chargers are now the go-to option for commercial fast recharging solutions, designed to quickly recharge electric vehicles,” says Chang. “The EXCEED DC Series is ideal for highway refueling stations, parking garages, fleet operations, EV charging network operators, EV charging solution providers, and, EV dealerships. Higher performance at the same cost as other charging stations in the same category allows businesses to monetize their investment more quickly by offering faster turnaround times at their stations. That in turn attracts more drivers. Noodoe supports best-in-class electric vehicles coming on the market, now designed to handle higher charging rates.”

Additionally, Noodoe EV’s EXCEED DC lineup is natively designed to run Noodoe EV OS, an advanced cloud-based operating system designed to autonomously support a charging network of one or hundreds of charging stations. The faster turnaround time by advanced charging speed offered by EXCEED DC makes Noodoe EV OS’s centralized dashboard and functions bring more revenue with less hands-on operation for the owner. Finally, Noodoe EV OS runs self-diagnostics and performs automatic self-recoveries, saving station owners valuable time and money that would be spent servicing a charger that could be generating revenue.

For more info on Noodoe’s new lineup: Exceed DC

Learn about Noodoe EV OS platform, true automation.


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