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Noodoe App

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Scan, Pay, Charge

Noodoe EV OS creates the smoothest possible charging experience for drivers, no apps required. Just “scan, pay, charge.” The driver receives an alert when charging is complete and a digital receipt after unplugging: effortless and paperless.

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The Smoothest Possible Charging Experience For Drivers

No Apps. No Memberships. No Worries.

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Scan the QR code on the charging station.

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Choose your preferred payment method.

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Start charging.
That’s all.

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The Noodoe App

The Noodoe app takes your EV charging experience to the next level:

    • Remembers your payment preferences.
    • Keeps a record of your charging history.
    • Helps you find nearby Noodoe EV charging stations.
    • Sends you a notification when charging is done. 

Noodoe EV CarPlay

Finding an AC or DC charger nearby is as easy as changing your car’s music or starting the air conditioner. Access all necessary information from your vehicle’s infotainment or dashboard display.

Connect your mobile phone to the vehicle via USB or wirelessly. The Noodoe app will then project the screen to: 
    • Find nearby chargers
    • Filter your options by your desired charger type (AC or DC)
    • Navigate to a chosen station
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Ready to charge up?