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Enter the EV Charging Market with a Pilot Project

Last Updated: December 18th, 2023 | Sustainable Business 

Starting an electric vehicle charging business is a transformative journey. The key to success is a well-executed pilot project. It’s a foundational step that offers invaluable insight and showcases field potential. In the following blog, we’ll explore the stages of launching, learning, and leveraging an EV charging system to set the stage for a flourishing business.

Plan it Out

An EV charging pilot project is more than a test; it’s an opportunity. You can plan the first charging installation in a familiar environment, test the user experience, and be hands-on through the complete service.

Strategic Approach

A pilot is a deliberate and thoughtful project. You will test your EV charging add-on features, pricing, and service experience at a real-life installation. These things are planned long before the charger is physically placed but can be updated at any time, thanks to smart management software.


Choosing the right location is critical. First, we recommend a site that is convenient and accessible for you (or the trusted person running the project). Consider the parking space at your office or a popular publicly accessible lot for more test drivers to recharge. Then, starting with one or two charging stations allows effective project management while gathering use data.

Hands-on Learning

This phase is all about gaining practical experience. You will experiment with the combination of hardware and software, observe what “normal” customer use looks like, and fine-tune your service based on real-life feedback.

Gain Insights

In an ideal world, your EV charging business is launched and thrives without barriers or speedbumps. Working with Noodoe smoothes the experience, but challenges and nuances exist in EV charging solutions.

Technical Updates

The pilot stage allows a better understanding of the technical requirements of AC or DC charging stations. Sometimes, sites may require electrical grid upgrades to match voltage demand. Alternatively, add more smart software features that improve the hands-off management for your team.  Renovations or electrical upgrades are beneficial in the long-term implementation of smart EV charging solutions and real estate maintenance. 

Customer Engagement

Learn directly from your customers about their needs and preferences. Engage throughout the project with adjustments or improvements. Gain perspective and answer questions like, “Was the charging process straightforward?” or “Could you use the station’s payment portal?” Once you’re ready to scale up, you can take this feedback to refine your approach, and offer better EV charging services.

Demonstrate Success

Now, armed with experience from the pilot, your business can showcase actual capabilities and potential in smart charging for electric vehicles.

Reference Real Proof

This initial venture is a concrete proof of concept, demonstrating viability, user-friendliness, and efficiency to prospective clients and stakeholders. Establishing credibility in the electrification industry paves the way to successfully exceed business expectations.

Dynamic Marketing Tool

Create a compelling narrative that extends beyond your team by publishing your pilot successes and lessons. Highlight the journey from concept to operational reality with in-depth case studies or social media posts. Don’t be embarrassed to 

The Bottom Line

For any new business, nothing is more valuable than hands-on experience. Starting with a smaller, manageable pilot is Noodoe’s recommendation to prepare for future business EV charging system success. Strategic planning, responding to feedback, and documenting a pilot EV charging installation are just the beginning. Check out the complete eBook guide about starting your EV charging business for more tips and advice. Partnering with Noodoe is here to offer you expert support through planning and the best comprehensive charging management solution in the industry.

Get Your Complete Ebook Guide on Starting an EV Charging Business

As the demand for EV charging surges, understanding the nuances of starting and running a successful charging business is crucial. To dive deeper, receive our detailed E-book guide, which answers top questions and offers in-depth insights into launching a successful EV charging business vision into reality.

Further Reading
